In order for a board to accomplish its mission of monitoring company performance, providing advice to the CEO and connecting the business to the wider community, it must function as a successful team. It is crucial to keep meetings productive and focused. Fun can help foster teamwork and create stronger bonds, but it is essential to have fun with your board. In this article, we’ll go over how to conduct an efficient and efficient board meeting that ensures your board is making the most of its time and resources.

Reduce the number of discussions and reports

Longer reports can cause delays in the board meeting and distract from more strategic discussions. Encourage officers and chairpersons to limit their reports to 25 percent of the total time spent in the meeting. This will allow the majority of the meeting to be spent on key decisions and strategic planning.

It is important to clearly communicate how decisions will Be Made

It is essential to communicate your decision-making procedures clearly during board meetings to ensure that everyone is aware of what they can do. Whether you decide to make decisions through consensus, voting or some other method, be sure to communicate this to your board in advance of every meeting to ensure that they are aware of how they can take part.

At a minimum, once a year Examine Your Meetings

Have your board members leave their names, either “+” or a “-“, on a sticky-note, next to the meeting door. This will allow you to see their feedback following the meeting. This will provide you with an idea of what’s working in your board meetings, and the areas for improvement.